- The most success is achieved when you are madly in love with what you are doing. It is not a secret that skiing was my first love. I can work for hours on end at just about anything skiing related, without batting an eye. Ask me to sit down and write a paragraph about just about anything else and I will procrastinate like no other. Take this post for example, I am actually enjoying writing it! (say what?) I never thought that I would enjoy writing anything. Anything.
- Life isn't black and white. It isn't all about winning and losing. At some point for every single racer, the competitive racing ends. No matter what level you race at, it will end at some point. This simple fact has lead me to believe that it can't all be about winning and losing. After racing is over, there are no clocks, no start wands and no finish lines. It's the many shades of gray that make life interesting. Skiing is no different.
- Friends make everything better. Well duh! This point is short because, well really, what can I say that will illustrate this more perfectly than skiing down a run with a bunch of your friends, all smiles from cheek to cheek. Come on, seriously, what is more fun than a Chinese downhill when no one is looking?
Goodnight ski friends!
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