Sunday, April 13, 2014

The mountain called, I went.

I know I haven’t posted in a while. I promise you, it is not because I have “writer's block”. I have just been busy. Honestly there is a plethora of topics that I want to write about. I just don't know where to start. It really is an epic task. So my alpine racing season is officially over (today was the Loveland derby). Alpine wise, I didn’t preform my best, however this was definitely my best ski season yet, and I honestly feel like I am skiing better than I ever have before. I started doing Skicross and let me tell you, it was the best decision I have made thus far in my life (Yes, I am aware that is not saying all that much). I met so many incredible people this ski season and was able to shred with so many good friends. From Austria to Colorado and everywhere in between, this season has been one for the record books. I really wish I had taken more photos and videos (and blogged more) so that I could create my own edit but, alas, I was lazy and don’t have much video or photographic proof of this epic winter.

Since 7 is my favorite number here is a list of the 7 best parts of my ski season and a list of 7 thank you’s!

            Ski Season 2014 Highlights
      1.     Being privileged enough make the trek out to Colorado 3 times this year
      2.     Watching the World Cup openers in Solden in person
      3.     Spontanious dance parties at the start
      4.     Ski Cross NorAms at Sugarloaf
      5.     USCSA Nationals
      6.     USASA Nationals
      7.     Van ride trivia

            I could not have done it without you:

      1.     My Parents- I mean you made me… and pay for me…
      2.     My Roommates- Thanks for helping me pack, bringing me stuff I forget, pretending that you don't care when I am incredibly loud ridiculously early in the morning, and putting up with the mess that is me during ski season (and the entire year) and all the accouterments that of my mountain lifestyle.
      3.     My Teammates- Thanks for being the best teammates I ever could have imagined!
      4.     Each and every one of my ski friends- despite the fact that there are no friends on a powder day, skiing is not nearly enough fun alone!
      5.     My coaches- for putting up with all of my crap
      6.     The MacConnell division coaches for all of their incredible support this season!
      7.     My teachers- Thanks for bearing with me throughout all the missed classes.

      So the only video I have from ski season is below. Little girls, truth or dare, a crowded copper lodge and a swede. Need I say more? Sorry Anton! (you were a beautiful ballerina though!)